Other Services

In this section you can find other services Tradusul can provide, directly or via our partners and other institutions with whom we work regularly.
Learn what we can do for you and your business.
Our proofreading service consists of a process of analysis, correction, and improvement of previously written or translated texts. We can guarantee that your text will be presented clearly and with impact and style.
Computer programming is also a language in which we are fluent. We work with a highly skilled team that can build a website or update it according to the newest standards or translate it directly from the source code.
Transcription is a service that consists of converting an oral speech recorded in audio format into text. Transcribe your audio or video file to text, to and from various formats, in multiple languages. Examples of transcription services: hearings, conferences, meetings and interviews, amongst others.
Tradusul is located within CLCC, the Language Centre of Portimão, a training institution with more than 25 years of experience in Languages, Photography, Computer Science and more. We can direct you to the right course for you to achieve your goals. CLCC is recognized by the Portuguese Ministry of Education.
Science Communication and articles
In addition to the translation and revision of scientific articles, we have a partnership with researchers in the development and writing of scientific articles and documents, such as: scientific marketing, manuscripts, illustrations and data analysis in the areas of life science and animal sciences.
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